The Town of Smithfield (hereinafter, the Town) is seeking the professional services of an
experienced contractor to conduct a variety of performance audit services to assist the Town
in assessing the effectiveness and efficiencies of operations. The audit services may include financial, compliance, operational, investigative or other performance assessments. The Town will assign each specific performance audit work assignment on an Engagement Task Order basis.
The performance audit will provide objective analysis that can assist management, and those
charge with governance and oversight, in using the audit findings and conclusions which can
improve program performance and operations, reduce costs, facilitate decision making by
parties with responsibility to oversee or initiate corrections action, and contribute to public
accountability. The performance audit will provide findings or conclusions based on an
evaluation of sufficient, appropriate evidence against specified criteria.
Both the proposals received in response to this RFP and the performance of the firm awarded
a contract through this RFP will be evaluated on the basis of performance outcomes (results)
as opposed to specified inputs or outputs. When evaluating a proposer’s approach to achieving
the required performance outcome, the Town will consider the relative feasibility of the
proposed method of achieving the result, and the relative degree of risk, if any, the proposed
method poses to the Town.
Unless changed by the Town, services under the anticipated contract will commence
immediately upon award and execution of a contract with the successful proposer.