The City of Warwick operates a Municipal Recycling Facility that serves a population of approximately 82,823 residents. The Municipal Recycling Facility is open to residents Monday through Saturday 7:00 am – 3:00 pm. The Municipal Recycling Facility serves as a location for residents to recycle or dispose of specialty items including; batteries, motor oil and filter, scrap wood, yard waste, tires, scrap metal, electronics, mixed recyclables, etc. The Municipal Recycling Facility serves as a drop off collection point for residents in addition to the weekly curbside collection of trash, recycling and yard waste from approximately 35,465 residential properties. In calendar year 2021, Warwick delivered 28,342 tons of solid waste and 9,562 tons of recycling to the Rhode Island Resource Recovery Corporation (RIRRC) in Johnston. That equates to approximately 110 tons of solid waste and 40 tons of recycling delivered per day.
The Department of Public Works (DPW) would like to expand the Municipal Recycling Facility activities to include operations of a transfer station with the ability to unload our curbside trash and recycling collection trucks into larger tractor trailers for more economical transportation. Currently, DPW uses our curbside packer trucks to transport all waste and mixed recyclables to RIRRC facility approximately 15 miles away (estimated average).