The Work consists, in general, of extension of SDG&E, Cox Commutation, and AT&T utility substructure to the future Otay Mesa East Port of Entry (OME POE) and Commercial Vehicle Enforcement Facility (CVEF) sites. Generally, construction will consist of installation of new PVC electrical conduit, PVC communication conduit, Polyethylene (PE) gas pipe and fittings, and various ancillary work for installation of electrical manholes/vaults, telecommunication manholes/vaults, and concrete equipment pads. The construction includes approximately 975 LF of concrete encased SDG&E electrical ducts, consisting of four (4)-5” and two (2)-4” primary electrical conduits, two new 3316 electrical handholes and a new 73in x 78in concrete pad for a future PME electrical switch. Construction also includes extension of SDG&E’s 4” PE gas main for approximately 965 LF, from approximately 200ft west of the Siempre Viva Road intersection with Paseo de la Fuente to the gas main stub at the location of the future OME POE connector road cul-de-sac. The work also includes extension of approximately 275 LF of sewer line with 5 new manholes, and 890 LF of new water mains with new services to the OME POEand procuring all materials and performing all other work necessary to complete the Work in accordance with the Contract Plans and SANDAG Special Provisions.