Summary of Specifications:
The Work will consist of project management, material and equipment procurement, pre-construction logistics planning, demolition, temporary construction, suspended composite panel ceilings, mechanical, electrical and plumbing work to be completed for the Replacement of the Kitchen Ceiling at the Bexar County Adult Detention Center (ADC). The work generally consists of removal of existing suspended gypsum board and acoustical ceilings and replacement with new suspended composite FRP/gypsum board composite panel ceiling. The work will include removal and replacement of existing light fixtures, mechanical devices and access panels. The work includes the removal and replacement of one existing vent hood with new equipment; replacement and reconfiguration of certain make-up air and grease exhaust duct work; removal and replacement of two exhaust fans and make-up air handler; removal of barometric attic relief, and installation of vent hood controls. Work also includes reconfiguration of return air ductwork and new return air grilles. Work includes the installation of one new and the reworking of one existing self-extinguishing fire suppression system at vent hood locations. Contractor shall be responsible for removal of all construction debris from site.