Summary of Specifications:
The scope of work includes site work of grounds, new park entrance and roadway, parking areas, a decomposed granite walking trail, picnic tables, benches and park related amenities, multi-purpose practice field, soccer standards, goal standards, disc golf course, and self-contained outdoor restrooms. The completion time for this project must not exceed 180 days from notice to proceed. RFP Project Manual and drawings may be picked up at the office of the consulting architects: Land Design Partners, 922 Isom Road, Suite 100,San Antonio, TX 78216, (210) 530-2525, Bexar County Infrastructure Services, 233 N Pecos, Ste. 420,San Antonio, TX,(210) 335-6700. A refundable TWENTY FIVE DOLLAR ($25.00) deposit for each set of project manual and drawings will be required. Checks shall be made payable to Bexar County. Only Cahier’s Checks and Certified Checks will be accepted. Cash will not be accepted. Deposits will be refunded if sets are returned in good condition by close of business of the tenth calendar day after the Notice of Award is issued to the Awarded Vendor to the place where Offeror obtained the documents. Project manual and drawing sets that are unbound or frayed will not be refunded. Plans will also be available in the form of a Compact Disc (CD) for a non-refundable cost of FIVE DOLLARS ($5.00) at all locations where plans and specifications may be picked up. Yvette Ybarbo, CTP Bexar County Purchasing Department 233 North Pecos, Suite 320 San Antonio, Texas 78207 210/335-2213 Fax: 210-335-2219 E-mail: “”
DATE: June 13, 2008 TIME: 1:30 p.m. PLACE:Site for LakeWood Acres Park Construction, Intersection of Schaefer Road and Cibolo Creek,San Antonio, TX 78207