The City of Fredericksburg, (City) is soliciting Statement of Qualifications (SOQ) from qualified engineering firms with extensive experience and expertise in the technical area of water infrastructure professional design and construction management to design and develop contract/construction documents to replace aging water infrastructure in East Main Street.
The primary intent and goal of this solicitation is to select and enter into a professional service contract(s) with experienced registered engineering firm(s) to develop construction bid documents to rehabilitate/replace approximately 4,400 feet of aging water line infrastructure. Persons or firms practicing architectural and/or engineering services in the State of Texas must possess a proper registration in accordance with Texas laws.
The City of Fredericksburg completed a Water Master Plan in 2017 that identified the East Main Street Water Rehabilitation Project. The project addresses a bottle neck in the transmission capacity within the existing distribution system. Additionally, the City is in the process of completing construction on a new water transmission main and pump station east of town that will tie into this area of town and ultimately aiding in the movement of water into the City distribution system. The limits of the project start on the west side of the Barron’s Creek Bridge and head east on Main Street to the intersection of Main Street and Cristol Drive.
The East Main Street Water Rehabilitation Project consist of replacing approximately 4,400 feet of existing 8 inch water main with 12 inch water main. The existing water main is aging infrastructure that historically has had water leaks. Additionally, the water line is located in TxDOT right-of-way and the majority of the line is currently under pavement.
The selected firm shall be responsible for the development of a construction bid documents and will assist in construction management of the project. The project scope of work shall include the following:
- Develop construction bid documents, including design, TxDOT coordination, construction cost estimates, etc
- Assist City with bid phase services
- Assist City with construction phase services
- Addendum and Supplements to Request - If it becomes necessary to revise any part of this request or if additional data is necessary to enable an exact interpretation of provisions of this request, revisions will be posted to the City’s website. It is the downloader’s responsibility to check the website for addendums and additional information.
- Right of rejection - The City of Fredericksburg reserves the right to accept or reject any or all submissions as a result of this RFQ, to negotiate with all qualified sources, or to cancel in part or its
entirety if found to be in the best interest of the City. The RFQ does not commit the City to award a contract, issue a purchase order, or pay any costs incurred in the preparation of a submission in response to this RFQ.
- Request for Interpretation - Any explanation desired by a respondent regarding the meaning or interpretation of this RFQ, or any documentation or attachments as part and parcel of the RFQ, must be requested in writing to the Public Works/Engineering Department, 126 W. Main Street, Fredericksburg, TX 78624 or emailed to the contact person(s) as described herein.
Such correspondence shall be submitted with sufficient time allowed for the City to evaluate and reply to all prospective respondents before the deadline for submitting a SOQ as stated in this RFQ. No inquiries/question regarding this RFQ will be answered if received after 4pm (CST) on Monday, November 8, 2021 to allow ample time for posting of answers and/or amendments to this RFQ.
Any non-written representations, explanations, or instructions given by City staff or City agents are not binding and do not form a part of, or alter in any way, the RFQ, a written agreement pertinent to the RFQ, or the awarding of the contract.
For technical questions or additional information related to this RFQ, please contact:
Kris Kneese, P.E. - Assistant Director of Public Works and Utilities City of Fredericksburg
Engineering Department 126 W. Main St.
Fredericksburg, Texas 78624
(830) 997-7521 (office)
(830) 990-2035 (direct)
- Clarification or additional information requested - During the evaluation process, the City of Fredericksburg reserves the right, where it may serve the City of Fredericksburg’s best interest, to request additional information or clarifications from respondents, or to allow corrections or errors omissions. At the discretion of the City of Fredericksburg, firms submitting SOQ’s may be requested to make oral presentations as part of the evaluation process, as indicated below.
- Right of retention - The City of Fredericksburg reserves the right to retain all SOQ’s submitted and to use any ideas in a SOQ regardless of whether that respondent is selected. Submission of a SOQ’s indicates acceptance by the firm of the conditions contained in this RFQ, unless clearly and specifically noted in the SOQ submitted and confirmed in the contract between the City of Fredericksburg and the firm selected. Under no circumstances shall a respondent whose SOQ has not been accepted be entitled to any claim for compensation.
- Project Duration - It is anticipated that the duration of the engineering contract will be approximately four (4) months for engineering design and six (6) months for construction management. The project’s
schedule will be negotiated with the selected firm before signing a contract.
- City Council Approval Required - The City of Fredericksburg City Council must approve the firm(s) selected to provide the services requested in this RFQ. The City reserves the right to authorize contract negotiations to begin without further discussion with firms submitting a response. Therefore, each RFQ should be submitted as completely and accurately as possible. The City reserves the right to request additional data, oral discussions, or presentations in support of the written RFQ.
- Tax Exemption - The City of Fredericksburg is exempted from all city, state, and federal excise tax.
- Restrictions on Communications - Respondents or their representatives are prohibited from communicating with any City of Fredericksburg officials to include City Council members and their staff regarding the RFQ from the time the RFQ is released until it has been acted upon by the City Council. Respondents or their representatives are prohibited from communicating with City employees regarding this RFQ, except submitting technical or clarification questions as indicated in the RFQ, from the time the RFQ is released until the contract is awarded. This includes “thank you” letters, phone calls, emails, and any contact that results in the direct or indirect discussion of the RFQ and/or SOQ submitted by Respondents. Violation of this provision by the Respondent and/or their agent may lead to disqualification of the Respondent’s SOQ from consideration.
*The complete RFQ may be reviewed in the Documents section.