The City of Fredericksburg, Texas (“City”) invites written proposals for the development, financing, design, construction, and operation of a Hotel Conference Center in Fredericksburg, Texas. To attract new meeting and group business to Fredericksburg, the City seeks the development of a conference center (“Conference Center”) and an upscale hotel (“Hotel”) through a public-private partnership.
Proposals are solicited in accordance with the terms, conditions, and instructions as set forth in this Request for Qualifications and Proposals (“RFP”).
The deadline for submitting the response to this RFP is 5pm (CST). (If mailed, the proposal must be received by the City by April 22, 2022.)
Proposals will be time stamped in and should be sent to:
Kent Myers, City Manager
Fredericksburg City Hall
126 West Main Street
Fredericksburg, Texas, 78624
Late proposals will not be accepted. Faxed or emailed proposals will not be accepted. The City is not responsible for submissions not properly identified.
Respondents to this RFP must submit an original and nine (9) copies of their Proposal in a sealed package labeled “HOTEL CONFERENCE CENTER DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL.”
Questions regarding this RFP must be submitted in writing to the City by March 22, 2022. Responses to respondent questions will be provided by March 25, 2022.
The City reserves the right to reject any and all proposals or to accept any proposal deemed to be in its best interest. The City shall not be obligated to enter into any contract with any respondent on any terms or conditions. Questions regarding this RFP should be sent in writing or email per respondent to:
Kent Myers, City Manager
Fredericksburg City Hall
126 West Main Street
Fredericksburg, Texas, 78624